
Importance of Inventory
Minimising Theft
Consumer Protection


Summarising Articles


Activity Two - Summarising Articles

Ask your teacher for a copy of the articles and complete the following.  Hand work in for marking by the Due Date outlined in the Assessment.

Article 1 - Read the article and answer the questions in sentence format.

Article 2 and 3 - Read the article and make a summary in bullet point format.


Activity Three - Role Play 'Shirley'

If time permits, your teacher will facilitate this role play.  Actors are needed to fill the role of:

Shirley (The Culprit)
The Store Manager
The Mother
The Store Detective
The Friend
The Social Worker
The Judge

The remainder of the class forms the jury.  They will decide, at the end of the case, what actually happened, and what they believe should happen to Shirley.


Activity Four - Case Studies

Decide if there has been a theft in each of the cases presented here.  Hand in your completed answers by the due date outlined in the Assessment.  Note:  explain fully reasons for your answer.

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