Minimising Theft

Importance of Inventory
Theft of Inventories
Minimising Theft
Consumer Protection

Minimising Theft

To prevent shopstealing, stores train their staff to become more observant, hire security staff and employ floor walkers (employees pretending to be customers).  More recent developments include electronic devices which will trigger an alarm if merchandise which has not been paid for is taken out of the store.  Items of clothing often have dye-tags attached.  These release a dye onto the fabric if the tag is removed by unauthorised personnel not using special equipment.

Source:  Chapman S, Freak M and Stewart R, Concepts In Commerce, The Jackaranda Press, Milton, 1994, p 21.


Activity Five

Search the internet using  Search for information regarding shoplifting, shopstealing and minimising theft.  Make a list of:

  1. Useful websites regarding this topic
  2. Devices used for minimising theft
  3. Useful Strategies for minimising theft

Type this list in a word document and use 1 major heading and 3 appropriate sub-headings on your document.


Activity Six

Your teacher will arrange for a guest speaker from a large store to talk to you about minimising theft. 

Hint:  taking notes throughout this presentation may be useful for your assignment.

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