
Importance of Inventory
Theft of Inventories
Minimising Theft
Consumer Protection

Ayr State High School

Year 10 Business Management

Supervised Assignment           Summative
Topic:  Stock Protection          Criteria Assessed:  Knowledge

Instructions To Students:

  1. Students will be required to use information from the stock control unit, internet research, and a number of guest speakers to complete this assignment.  It is vital that effective notes are taken during these activities.

  2. All work must be the original work of the student.

  3. Task 1 and 3 must be completed using Microsoft Word.  Task 2 must be completed using Microsoft Powerpoint.

  4. Language will be taken into consideration.  Poor spelling, grammar, punctuation etc will be penalised.


Task 1- In Class Activities

Hand in to your teacher the following tasks:

Activity 1  Inventory Questions
Activity 2  Summarising Articles
Activity 4  Case Studies

Note:  No Draft Marked

Final Due Date:  Friday June 13


Task 2 - Powerpoint Presentation

Giants Superstore is a department store which operates in Ayr.  It employs approximately 150 staff, mostly on a part-time basis.  The store sells a range of goods, including clothing, manchester, kitchenware, decorator items, stationery, music, hardware and toys.

You have been employed by Giants Superstore to review their stock protection and consumer protection procedures.  You feel that the store needs a 'training package' to train new staff and re-train existing staff about the measures the store has in place for minimising the theft of stock.  Therefore, you have decided to create a powerpoint presentation to be used for training purposes.

The Powerpoint Presentation should:

Introduce the Store - give a simple introduction, including background information about the store.
Give background information about theft of inventories (by both customers and employees).
List 10 measures used in the store to minimise stock theft.  Strategies/procedures should be explained in full so that new employees can follow them.  Devices used should be explained in full and diagrams of devices should be used where possible.
Outline why the store believes it is important to have measures in place to protect stock.
End the presentation in an appropriate way.  Eg, ask all employees to be vigilant with regards to stock protection.  Ask them to refer any suspicious activity immediately to their supervisor.

The Powerpoint should also:

Be business-like (use a professional background template)
Run automatically (not too fast/not too slow)
Have appropriate animation (to add interest - but not to distract)
Have appropriate diagrams/pictures (professional, rather than cartoon clipart)
Be at least 10 slides in length
Optional:  Add background music or a (even better) a commentary.

Note:  No Draft Marked

Final Due Date:  Friday May 30


Task 3 - Written Report

Read the case study following that relates to the policies and procedures that operate in a local retail store.





on items

other than









Giants Superstore is a department store which operates in Ayr.  It employs approximately 150 staff, mostly on a part-time basis.  The store sells a range of goods, including clothing, Manchester, kitchenware, decorator items, stationery, music, hardware and toys.

The store’s main income comes from the sale of clothing.  For this reason, the store has a very liberal policy of exchange when it comes to clothing items.  If a customer does not like their purchase, then they may return it with no questions asked as long as they have the receipt.  The store will then allow the customers to exchange their goods – no refunds or credits are ever given.  On all other goods in the store, there is no possibility of refund/credit/exchange – if it is purchased, it is the customer’s responsibility.  There are a number of signs within the store that state this quite clearly.

The store sent out a catalogue last week for a stocktake sale. There weren't any really exciting items, so the Marketing Manager suggested that the sale have an Australian Focus, as it would be conducted around Anzac Day Weekend.  The problem was that the store wanted to sell 115 floor runners that were made in Turkey.  To overcome this problem, the colours of the photograph were altered so that they looked yellow and green instead of red and orange.  They were then advertised as 'top quality Australian made floor runners'.  There were a couple of complaints, but the manager was able to talk the customers around by offering them no deposit lay-by for the day.

You are required to:

Research the relevant laws/rules that apply to Consumer Protection, and write a report to the retail store analysing their current procedures.  Your report should address the following points:

·        Identify all procedures that relate to consumer protection.

·        State which procedures are valid and can be continued.  Make sure that you clearly justify your response with relevant factual information.

·        State which procedures are incorrect and must be stopped.  Explain what law/rule applies to the situation, and why the current procedure is inappropriate.

·        Make a judgement about the effectiveness of the store’s current procedures, and possibly give suggestions for improvement.

(length:  approximately 250-300 words)

You must use correct report format.  Click Here for hints for the display of this report.


Draft Due:  Friday June 6

Final Due Date:  Monday June 20

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